Diovana Tavares dos Reis

Web Developer

+55 35 9269-3767 diovanatavaresr@gmail.com Maria da Fé, MG, Brazil.

Bachelor of Information Systems

Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI Year of entry: 2021 Conclusion prevista: 2024
  • Native : Português
  • Fluent : Inglês
    Certificate of Fluency in English Language
    EWE - Easy Way English
    Workload: 350 hours
  • Knowledge : Espanhol
Play videogames
About Me

Undergraduate in Information Systems, with experiences in the area, in which I try to develop my skills in web development, with modern languages, seeking knowledge in Libraries, Frameworks and Databases, and improving my skills in back-end and front-end.

I'm proactive and creative, born in 2003, since I was little I've been enchanted by the technologies that have emerged in the world, I couldn't work in an area other than the technological field, I fell in love with programming and currently I fit as a full stack and I would love to apply my theoretical and practical knowledge seeking to improve myself and contribute to the company. After having experience in my first job I started to become interested in the vision of sales and the product, I seek more and more to see the customer's side and understand their needs, and to think about the product and how to sell it to the customer in the best way.

Work Experience

FullStack Junior Programmer Intern

Tech4Humans | August of 2021 - actual

I worked on the product development team, creating, debugging and improving codes in React.JS and Node.JS, with PostgreSQL database.

I worked together with other developers to improve the platform and deliver what was requested.

I worked with co-workers to look for what is best for the client and always tried to understand the platform / application to project the client's needs.

Programming languages

JavaScript: 50%

Python: 15%

HTML: 80%

CSS: 80%


Node.js: 50%


React.Js: 40%

Socket.io: 40%

Data Base

MongoDB: 30%

PostgreSQL: 50%


Git/GitHub: 30%

Microsoft Azure: 50%